Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh, you mean fall involves leaves?

This weekend, Geek #1 and I performed the annual leaf roundup from the front and back yards... the big one. Requiring him to scale the roof with the neighbor's leaf blower and heavy duty gloves to clean the gutters. Necessitating us to make at least 10 trips with the tarp full of leaves.

Thank goodness Geek #1 is big, strong, and willing - and that would be a funny double entendre if either one of us had any energy left after pulling major subsets of muscles through this damned process.

The funny part will be watching the expressions on the poor waste collectors as they come by with the leaf vacuum truck. Or no, on second thought, I don't want to see that. Muffin was pretty impressed, though and enjoyed climbing the tree to look down on the leaves.

But for reference, here is a picture of our neighbor's 'normal' size leaf piles. We chose our house in large part for the beautiful old trees that distinguished the neighborhood from those hideous, tree-less suburban developments. Now we want a condo!

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