Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fire Update & Other News

Our neighbor is doing as well as can be expected given the circumstances. She was checked out at the hospital for smoke inhalation and released within a few hours. On top of the smoking and emphysema, she also suffers from a leaky heart valve and is due for heart surgery in the next month or two, so her health was rather precarious before the fire. Her poor home is also in sorry shape and is currently being cleaned out by a disaster cleanup crew while she and her extended family members try to salvage what they can. As of yesterday, she was talking about fixing it up and returning to live in it, eventually, but I guess that will depend in part on the insurance settlement. For now, she'll be living in a long-term stay hotel.

In other news, Muffin and Geek #2 attended preschool orientation today and she had a great time playing with all of the toys and looking at all of the children. She'll start attending on M/W/F next week and should have a blast with all the activities and very sweet teachers. And I, Geek #2, will get 3 mornings a week to actually do things! Yippee!

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