Thought I'd post these together so those of you unfamiliar with Geek 1's baby pictures can compare him to his child. This is apparently him on his second birthday. And here is Muffin at 16-17 months. She's got most of his looks and his outgoing nature. And her utter lack of fear of heights did not come from me!
We're very excited about the upcoming Minnesota trip - we can't wait to meet Muffin's new cousin Michael and to show the grandparents all the new tricks. Yesterday she stood on the keyboard drawer in my desk in order to reach a cup of pens and scissors - scary stuff!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Not the Mail Man's Kid
Posted by
11:29 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Workaday Life
Mama Geek here:
So, brother Ben starts his days at 5 am. Daddy Geek is asleep on the couch with Muffin who woke up from her sound sleep with a nightmare.
And now that is almost 11 pm and I've just finished writing a test for the kiddos at the university, I can head to bed. My day started relatively late, at 7 am - well, really at 6 am with a nightmare about teaching, ugh. Tomorrow, during my 'rest period' - AKA Muffin's nap-time - I'll get to grade the tests from the kiddos at the community college.
This is the life of working parents?!?!? Dagnabbit, no wonder we're all so tired as a nation!
I'm not even sure if this post will be coherent. Don't care, either. Nope, going to bed...oh, but I'll post some pics of Muffin first.
Posted by
10:37 PM
Things have been a touch busy at work of late. I'm up for my first reappointment review this semester. As part of the reappointment evaluation, I had to complete what the university calls a PAD (Personal Action Dossier). Suffice it to say that putting together the PAD was unpleasant. As you can see from the included photo, my office became a sea of papers as I tried to document what I have done for the last 2.5 years here. I kept moving between "huh... this looks pretty good" to "OMGWTF I'm behind!!11!!". Fortunately, it's pretty much finished now. However, as the initial reviewers asked me to include a table of contents when I had, in fact, already included one, I wonder how closely this thing gets looked at anyway. I might just add something to keep them on their toes along the lines of:
2006- Received the Barnum Award for Shameless Self-Promotion and Excellence in Waffle Making.And here is the rest of it.
In other news, it gets chilly here sometimes too. Little kids with toboggans are cute.
Posted by
Matt Reynolds
11:27 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Dislocated Parents?
The trip to the ER was, it wasn't. That's a lie. But it was educational as we knew one day Muffin would need to visit, given the inherited lack of grace combined with her special lack of fear. Of course, it would have been nice if she waited until she was old enough to tell us what hurt, but eventually we all figured it out - a dislocated elbow. But now she's all better and we're being a bit more careful about her arms to prevent a re-dislocation. Hopefully, the next ER visit will be several years from now.
In the meantime, for fun, check out these websites
for funny baby cartoons:
for funny cat pictures (cat LOLs):
for parenting tips:
for bizarre tech-oriented news and stuff:
for NC residents and visitors, a county level guide to community based arts, farms, and entertainment:
Posted by
1:49 PM